The Great Awakening
Here we are , all of us right now on Mother Earth, in the very midst of vast world changes, that are taking place, about to take place, have already happened in the background unknown to most of the world, since the major media don’t like to talk about these things…these things that the world control system is trying their best to hide…and to continue to keep hidden. But there are those on this planet, the Truthers, the world Patriots, the Disclosure community the good people of Earth who stand for the Truth and are committed to taking down the …Untruth…the liars, the Dark Ones, the Cabal/Deep State and all their minions. We are the ones who believe in Goodness, Light/Love and know a Positive New Age is fast approaching, as the Dark Ones are losing their power and control including world financial slavery. It is all happening as we speak. As we enter into Sept. of 2024 the signs, the facts, the Truth of it all is being revealed from all directions….Truthers and citizen journalists, pod-casters, writers and speakers, all are letting us know major things are happening above and below ground,covertly and overtly, in your face or somewhat hidden behind that crafty curtain.The most irritating thing for the Dark Ones is (dark because of the inconceivable evil they perpetuate, and have perpetuated for 100’s of years(although technically 1000’s of years) ….they “can’t stop the Truth” from coming out from all media, podcasts, interviews,alternative news etc etc. And that is irritating, really irritating for them (though ego-maniacs that they are they tend to get irritated easily). You would be too, if you were trying your best to take over the world, start an all out total control World Government and the dam humans just weren’t co-operating. They also just weren’t dying nearly as fast as they had planned. Remember the bio weapon Covid 19, and all those amazing vaccines that they promised were truly”safe and effective”, except they really weren’t all that effective (didn’t stop the so called virus and in fact transmitted it to others)….but they did manage to kill a few …million people. The studies are in, and more than 17 million world people died from the so called ‘vaccines’, and hundreds of millions suffered from adverse affects. At least that was a consolation prize for the wicked, they managed to get rid of a few of us pesky humans, but just not nearly enough.
And what are these signs, these indications, these omens that major things are happening to the ‘betterment’ of mankind, and that maybe possibly the power mongers running our Earth, are beginning to lose their control and the Good Guys may just be winning in this Spiritual and Material Battle on planet Earth, Gaia, Terra.( You see a person has to be informed and aware that a Positive Earthly Alliance may actually exist here on Mother Earth, made up of over 8000 military/government/positive pockets of Intelligence agencies and over 17 world wide millitaries. And this group and their Plan has been around for decades slowing gradually bit by bit, they have been dismantling the power-hold of the Dark world wide Cabal/Illuminati system.But if a person is not informed of this very strong possibility, then they simply wouldn’t know, and would continue living their life in somewhat “blissful ignorance” now that things ‘seem’ to be getting back to some normalcy here in our world. They don’t understand as this new Positive Golden Age slowly opens up to the humans, who are also opening/waking up, normal life as we know it, can not happen in a New Age, only a New and much better Normal is possible. We are coming to it, approaching it in late 2024 and most assuredly we will be entering it in earnest in 2025, whether the ‘normies’ know it or not.)
Back to the signs and symptoms… aside from the obvious world events( a few wars,a lot of political madness in USA and elsewhere, a world economy falling apart,a nuclear war possibility and a few new and exciting plandemics that are just about to enter the world stage, oddly enough just slightly ahead of the Nov 5 Presidential USA Election (a repeat of the Cabal playbook from 2020)….but this is old news now. So what else is happening that many of us just aren’t quite aware of….? And are they really happening?
From what I can gather from the alternative news and all the researchers round the world this is some of the things taking place right now Sept 2024…
G.E.S.A.R.A (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) (Spawned by the N.E.S.A.R.A. (National version in US) has begun to be implemented in many countries around the world. The BRICS+ world wide consortium has been implementing it in all their member countries,and have been pioneering the new world wide QFS in those countries (Quantum Financial System precious metal/commodity backed currencies). It has almost one dozen present members, well over fifty other countries all applying to join, all more than happy to be completely free of the US monopoly Petro dollar (the Fiat money system of the World banksters, the Cabal, the Central world banks ,Rothchilds and friends). In Oct. 2024 they are having a major convention in Russia, with many of those new adopting countries, and will initiate their new world wide decentralized payment system, which will not be the Swift system of old (controlled by the Cabal).
What else… how about the very soon to implode American financial system, to be taken over by GESARA and the QFS with brand new American gold backed US Treasury Notes. Gold backed as all the BRICS+ members will also have their individual currencies backed by precious metals, and valuable commodities. The new World Wide system will no longer be Fiat money backed on nothing but a lot of ‘Hot Air’ and a debt based banking system, where only the ones at the top gain and everyone down on the bottom (US the People)…don’t. We do get the scraps though, enough to keep us alive and almost healthy enough, to keep the world wide debt system running and collecting all their (illegal taxes) , and keeping us in that never ending survival “Rat race”.
When GESARA fully kicks in it will bring in world wide revolutionary changes for the better. Underneath the legal framework of NESARA/GESARA(signed on by 207 countries world wide) a few of the major Quantum and very revolutionary changes…
-Quantum Financial System…Quantum Voting…Quantum Medicine (Med-Beds)…Quantum Consciousness…Quantum Technology…Quantum internet…Quantum computers…Quantum Phones…
as well as a few of the many benefits to come…no more income, property,inheritance tax, bonus old age benefits, the end of Admiralty law and the return of Constitutional law (and retraining of Lawyers/judges in Constitutional Common law, revaluing of all world currencies,the end of debt for individuals/countries elimination of mortgage,credit card, bank debts …. and a few other benefits as well including the two major proticols that all countries have signed onto (including USA under President Clinton) who must adhere to it, otherwise they get booted out of the Quantum QFS and can not trade anymore with those other countries (who will be in time 98% of the world GNP.The two major aspects agreed on are…No country ruler can be dictitorial to its people, take away their rights, be violent or harmfull to the people and secondly, no country can be aggressive , attack or war with any other country.These protocols will usher in the New Golden Age of Peace, promised in many ancient cultures and world religions.
Against this backdrop of world events… war madness in Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Taiwan, potential nuclear disaster in any of those countries, there is the potential civil war in USA, release of chaos in America (and England/Europe) using any of the millions of illegal immigrants (up to 20-25 million in USA since Obama’s era and Biden’s so called Presidency , many of whom are male military aged people and assorted criminal/gang members/prison released/terrorist members etc.), the stock market collapse and subsequent implosion of USA financial,the release of MonkeyPox, Bird flu and more Vaccines just waiting to be given to the ignorant mass who will be “Fear Porned” into taking those newest vaccines which are definatley “kill weapons” (with data/studies to back that reality up).
All these potential and very possible world events (which have been on the planning boards for years)are being timed with the Cabal/Deep State’s relentless drive to stay in power in the US, fully alligned with the Socialist/Communist Democrat party.It seems only that ‘irritating’ Donald Trump (along with patriot Republican cronies), they will most probably win the upcoming Nov. 5 USA election, could be stopping them from continuing in power fronted by a new and exciting Kamala Harris after Sleepy Joe has now faded into the background. It is all, as the Q Military Intelligence, as indicated a Show, an Act, a make believe Movie. Behind it all is the ongoing takedown of the Deep State in USA and world wide, only few people know it is happening. But now in more and more ‘drips and drabs’ some of the truth is being allowed to be released while in the background many of the top people of the Cabal have already been arrested, put through Military tribunals, sentenced and executed, and have been replaced with Central casting actors who continue to remain on the world stage to make it all look so normal for the ‘unawakened normies’. Soon they will all be given more of the Truth behind it all.
The Truth is, we are actually just now Sept 2024, standing at the very crossroads, of the whole thing blowing open with, the Truth of USA election Fraud of 2020, the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court decision that Congress failed to investigate the possible Election fraud in many states, especially the Swing States.When the White Hats (Earthly Alliance) finally allows this to break through into the open, it will suspend Congress and the Biden Administration, install Trump as the legitimate President (Evidence held by the White Hats(Knights), that Trump actually received over 80 millions votes and Biden 10-20 million votes. At that time probably the riots will be instigated in the Democrat run cities by the Cabal and their prepared terrorists cells, martial law will be initiated by the Good Guy military, the Starlink satellite EBS will send the world wide announcements to all people (via cell phone texts), to stay home and off the streets , where they will bring a dead stop to the violence. All media/TV/radio/Internet will stop and only the 24/7 disclosure documentaries will be seen by the public while they wait out the 3-10 day time periods, for the Military in most world countries will arrest the Bad Guys( and gals), send them to Gitmo or else where, for military tribunals (very quick judicial actions compared to the normal legal system), sentencing and probable executions of the most evil of the poor misguided and corrupted souls . USA is under control of the White Hat Alliance and has been since the Fake Biden Inauguration in 2021. It is actually under a special legal government protocal, initiated by President Trump in I believe 2020(Continuity of Government ,COG). They have been taking control of different previously and long held systems of the Deep State in America (economics,politics,medical,Three letter Federal agencies etc.)
Which brings us to this moment now on Mother Earth Gaia 2024. As we prepare for the madness in America with the upcoming Nov 5 Election, there will probably more assasination attempts on Trump or his two other (actor/avitars). Unfortunately (and fortunately since there are also Good Guys in America who are trying to tip the scale in the favor of the US patriots and good people of American who only want a decent life for themselves, their families, their country and also for the rest of the world’s countries), USA has a karma that affects the remainder of the world. If American goes down, and the Bad Guys win (which means God loses to the dark side Satan/Lucifer/Baal and all his demon friends ,which includes much of the Demon-cratic party members and corrupted republican politicians in American and world wide)… then the rest of the world will fall prey to the Cabal world wide. But if USA and the world wide Alliance beats the Bad Guys and Gals, then we get to have a wonderful New positive world of Abundance,Justice, Equality, Brotherhood based on Truth, Life and Liberty ( this is all essentially the main aspects of the universal American constitution, free speech, Freedom of religion, right to bear arms for self protection, freedom to protest in a lawful ways, freedom of Life Liberty,and the individual and nation pursuit of happiness, all the God given rights and aspects of a fair and just universal system).
As the whole world stands at this crossroad,the abyss, which has the potential to swallow us up into a Totaliatarian One World Government ( the wet dream of the dark ones, which includes the negative ET’s), we can only sit and wait, remain vigalent, communicate these truths to the normies who will listen, keep the faith in the Whites Hats guided by the higher positive ET’s who are One with the Masterplan of Source and His/Her plan for Earth/Humanity, here in our tiny solar system and throughout the Cosmos. We have to Trust in the plan of the White Hats which is one with the Source’s Overall Plan.Though most of us ordinary somewhat awakened individuals (millions of patriots worldwide), can only hope and trust that there are the Good Guys and God wins no matter what. It is essentially an issue of Trust in the Higher , the Light… and that Light/Goodness/Love will vanquish Evil/Darkness as it always has done in previous Epochs. For this is not the only rodeo that humanity has been on, it goes back and back far into the past, where there were previous White Knights (Jeshua Ben Joseph, Jesus of Nazareth was part of the White Knights of his day). So we have all been here before in all our previous life times, only this time we are standing at the very nexus, where if we individually choose, we can take the upgrade from 3 D to upper 4thD and for some perhaps many, the upgrade into 5 D. This crossroads that we are all standing at is upon us, it is not in the future many months or years away. It is literally weeks, months away or days, when the Big changes hit us now in 2024. The year 2024 has been pointed out by many psychics as a pivotol year, perhaps even the year that the Sun’s Solar Flares hit us in such an awesome powerful way, that it will being about the beginning changes, a total revamping of the world and its many major aspects. It would trigger the Ascension, the upgrade for those humans prepared for it.This year in these last four months Sept-Dec. may be crucial, revolutionary, maybe the very ancient and long sought dream of mankind to rise to a Higher level. Some refer to it as the Second Coming of Christ Consciousness, the Buddhist Return of the Metraiya Buddha Consciousness, or the Hindu Khrishna Kalki Consciousness. It’s all the same thing… the Return of Love/Light to a dark world, the promise of Source since…. Forever. This is where we stand right now in this Present moment on Terra/ Gaia ,who is also in the very process of ascending Herself from 3 D to 5 D. Those souls not yet ready for the upgrade will simply leave (their bodys will probably die for whatever of countless reasons) and be born on another 3 D world anywhere else in this galaxy, or any of the other countless galaxies in any of the the countless universes. (If they are ready at the next 25900 year choice point (New Age entry) they will then get the chance to upgrade at that time. For no souls ever get left behind… by the Loving All compassionate Universal Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Mother/Father Holy and Whole Spirit (In which we all have our existence in). It is as they say….an interesting time to be alive, may we all be born in such interesting times. Bon Voyage to those who are ready for the journey