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In the  new age of our now 2017    having survived passing into the new millennium  we stand at the cross roads of man’s new  evolutionary leap. The old man makes room for the “New Man” . He takes on the challenge  to become  the synthesis of matter and spirit, body and soul, male and female,Zorba the Greek and Gautama the Buddha.This was a phrase coined by the infamous Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh   India  1970’s . It was meant to usher in the new man into the New Age.And so here we are not yet the new man, but rather deeply immersed in the caccoon which will help us  burst forth into our new Butterfly self.The New man will fly free soon enough when the time is right.The whole collective consciousness of the now 7.1 billion  humans will rise to the next level of our consciousness.


  • ZSsuBLQK
    July 15, 2024


    • deva
      July 21, 2024

      Somehow you got to my site i have very little time dealing with the site but would like to start spending time.I am quite ignorant of internet and web site activities so much so that I cant even find your comment that I can reply to.I appreciate your taking your valuable to try to communiacate with me concerning the Zorba the Buddha blog written years ago when I was experimenting trying to create the web page (part of a VCC course I was taking at that time.)I dont want to get into any detail about Zorba the Buddha at this time except to say it is the actual teaching of my spiritual teacher in India decades ago Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. I still believe very much in concept.If you noticed the book I wrote on my web site I went into all aspects of that concept with so many other aspects of life on this planet for the “seeker” and non seeker. We are all the same after all in fact we are …all the very same Being, playing out our individual roles within a vast play known as “The leela” here on earth.I would be interested to hear your comments and will try to spend more time figuring how I can do this.
      To end my thoughts we, all of us on earth right now, are smack dab in the middle of a vast world wide …process, event(s)many leveled happening bringing us all into a fast approaching New Age, where this New Man Zorba the Buddha will emerge.It wont happen for most people right away, It will take some time, a certain % of humanity is waking up (which ties in with the Zorba the Buddha concept), a larger % is waking up more slowly.Some will deny all that is happening and remain in 3D consciousness and somehow get relocated to another 3D world while those ready will be availabe for the ‘upgrade’ from 3D to upper 4 D and 5D consciousness. This is what the Z the Buddha is all about. All the best on your path of awakening. DND

  • eFsCpMbZRDnz
    July 21, 2024


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