(Human sexuality and higher consciousness)
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This book is a guide into the fascinating world of Tantra between a sincere man and woman. It takes you into the world of Tantric lovemaking from its initial beginnings in China, India and other far eastern cultures. It prepares a couple through its various method and exercises to embark on this lofty road to higher consciousness and spiritual ecstasy. It requires the one main ingredient, in order for Tantra rapture to happen, a positive(male) pole and a negative(female). This is not positive/negative in the good/bad context, merely the necessity of having positive/negative poles just like electricity itself needs it to happen. And this synthesis is a harmonious union, where both need each other and both parties must have a deep respect for each other as pure expressions of Divine energy. A meditative state is also required in order for altered states to take place.
The whole guide book takes the readers through the necessary steps, methods and understanding, the setting up of the proper setting/atmosphere, the preparation time leading up to the special occasion(usually a full moon is an excellent time to enter this world), and the sincere mind and heart set of both humans. Tantra can enliven any relationship bogged down in life’s daily doldrums. But each man and woman must takes the steps sincerely, must walk the walk, dance the dance, experience the other as a pure expression of Divinity. The doors are ready to opened by anyone and everyone. So Bon Voyage and Happy trails…..